Call for Papers — A Disabled University Experience: Lessons for, and Experiences of, Disabled Undergraduates

Proposal Deadline: July 15 2024

Transitioning from high school to university can mark a significant change in a disabled student’s life, as they leave behind the managed care of an individualized education plan and begin a more agentic relationship with their disabilities. For many, this also marks the first chance they really have to engage with the cultural identity of “disabled.” Unfortunately, introductory readers in disability studies in the Canadian context are a rarity. We have elected to create a special edition of the Canadian Journal of Disability Studies (CJDS) that fills this gap, highlighting the unique experiences of disabled undergraduate students and providing accessible content on disability with them in mind.

We are seeking submissions of previously unpublished articles on disabilities, with a special focus on manuscripts that either study the experiences of disabled undergraduate students or are written for an undergraduate audience for the CJDS. Contributions can include empirical works, qualitative explorations, theoretical inquiries, extended literature reviews, methodological papers, or even book reviews. We encourage articles from minoritized populations, including disabled authors. Please submit your extended abstracts (200–500 words) to Special Issue Editors Dr. Paul Bones ( and Christopher Churchill ( by July 15, 2024. Please include your contact information in your email. For those accepted for consideration, the deadline for full paper submission will be January 30, 2025 for preliminary review. Final submissions should be no more than 6,000 words, excluding references, notes, and tables. Submissions should have no more than 40 references.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
  • Navigating ableist educational institutions
  • Disabled identity formation
  • Disability as an intersection - how do race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. interact with experiences of disability?
  • Indigeneity and disability
  • Quality of life and disability
  • Madness and mental health
  • Building mad and disabled communities
  • Access and accommodation
  • Explaining disability


Editors: Paul D.C. Bones, Christopher Churchill, Yiyan Li, Danielle Lorenz