Gimp Sue Gets the Girl: Disability in Twilight Fanfiction


  • Olivia Dreisinger Department of English Literature, McGill University



While many fan studies scholars have written about the Mary Sue through gender and sexuality, disability is often entirely overlooked.  I take up this gap in scholarship in the following paper, looking at the various intersections between disability and Twilight fanfiction. I look closely at two Disabled!Twilight fanfics written by disabled authors—LisbethsGirlfriend’s Forgive Me for Loving You, and The Plasma’s Coping with Change.  Through their respective fics, these disabled Mary Sues, or Gimp Sues, address issues of sex, disability, and coming out, questioning just who has the right to tell stories, and what stories get told.

Author Biography

Olivia Dreisinger, Department of English Literature, McGill University

Department of English Literature, McGill University



How to Cite

Dreisinger, O. (2019). Gimp Sue Gets the Girl: Disability in Twilight Fanfiction. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 8(2), 96–126.