33 actions pour que Montréal devienne anticapacitiste


  • Laurence Parent Université d’Ottawa




This article steams from my doctoral thesis entitled “Rouler/Wheeling Montréal: Moving through, Resisting and Belonging in an Ableist City” (Parent, 2018). My thesis examined fifteen disabled Montrealers’ everyday mobilities and two different dimensions of participants’ sense of belonging: their belonging in Montréal disability communities and their belonging in the city. Participants’ stories show that their right to the city and their capacity to move through it are severely compromised because ableism is embedded in Montréal’s built environment and culture. This article explores three issues and 33 actions for an an anti-ableist Montréal. The first issue is presented as a question: How can we build an anti-ableist city? The second issue concerns disabled Montrealers’ mobilities in the face of climate change and the third explores the representations of disabled Montrealers in the media and civic and political life.

Author Biography

Laurence Parent, Université d’Ottawa

Chercheure postdoctorale, FRQSC, Institut d’études féministes et de genre Université d’Ottawa



How to Cite

Parent, L. (2022). 33 actions pour que Montréal devienne anticapacitiste. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 11(1), 159–187. https://doi.org/10.15353/cjds.v11i1.858


