Stories of Methodology: Interviewing Sideways, Crooked and Crip


  • Margaret Price The Ohio State University
  • Stephanie L. Kerschbaum University of Delaware


Mots-clés :

Methodology, Crip, Time, Gaze, Emotion, Interdependence


In this article, written in a combination of collaborative and singular voices, we tell the stories of shaping an interdependent crip methodology while conducting a qualitative interview study with 33 disabled faculty members. Our central argument is that disability crips methodology. In other words, centering disability from the beginning of a research project, and committing to collective access, reveal specific ways that disability changes the assumptions and outcomes that ordinarily characterize—or are assumed to characterize—research situations. To illuminate those specific ways, we focus on three dimensions of qualitative research that emerged as particularly important to our interdependent methodology: time, gaze, and emotion.



Comment citer

Price, M., & Kerschbaum, S. L. (2016). Stories of Methodology: Interviewing Sideways, Crooked and Crip. Revue Canadienne d’études Sur Le Handicap, 5(3), 18–56.