Editorial Introduction to VIBE Special Issue


  • Ash McAskill University of Guelph at ReVision: Centre for Arts and Social Justice
  • Kim Sawchuk Department of Communication Studies at Concordia University
  • Samuel Thulin




This special issue of the Canadian Journal of Disability Studies is a result of the activity surrounding VIBE: Challenging ableism and audism through the arts, a 3-day international symposium exploring the existing and potential contributions of the Deaf/disability arts to aesthetic innovations, research-creation and cultural change in attitudes towards the capacities of the Deaf/disabled. The symposium, which took place at Concordia University from November 30 - December 2, 2018, brought together Deaf/disabled academics, emerging scholars, post-doctoral researchers, activists, artists, and students – and their allies – for vibrant exchanges on the relationship between disability arts research and disability arts practice.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Ash McAskill, University of Guelph at ReVision: Centre for Arts and Social Justice

Ash McAskill is an ally and academic in the disability arts and theatre community, and a slow theatre practitioner. Ash has worked with disabled artists across Canada to mobilize against the current ableism that exists in the performing arts. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Guelph at ReVision: Centre for Arts and Social Justice. She is a trained Relaxed Performance facilitator, and an accessibility consultant based in Montréal, Québec. She has led slow theatre workshops in Vancouver, Guelph. Toronto, Montreal, and Mexico City, and has co-convened working groups on disability and performance.

Kim Sawchuk, Department of Communication Studies at Concordia University

Kim Sawchuk, Principal Investigator of the ACT team,  is a Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Concordia University, and Concordia University Research Chair in Mobile Media Studies. Sawchuk has been writing on age, ageing and its cultural impact since 1996. She is most well-known for her research on “seniors and cell phones” conducted with Dr Barbara Crow of York University as well her research-creation work in Critical Disability Studies. Sawchuk is a co-founder of the Mobile Media Lab (York-Concordia) located in Concordia’s Department of Communication Studies. She has just completed a six-year term as the editor of the Canadian Journal of Communications (www.cjc-online.ca) and she is the co-editor of Wi: journal of mobile media (www.wi-not.ca). In addition to her academic research, in 1996 Sawchuk co-founded of StudioXX,  a feminist research and media arts centre in Montréal.

Samuel Thulin

Samuel Thulin is an artist, researcher, and educator interested in the specificities of spaces and places, and in the movements and resonances of bodies, data, and sounds. Through his artworks and publications he has explored: locative media and contested senses of place; confluences of cartography and auditory culture; self-tracking, chronic illness, and datafication; and creative and emergent research methodologies. He has exhibited his work, given workshops, and presented research at venues in Canada, the US, Mexico, Argentina, the UK, Sweden, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Spain, and Greece. Originally from Nortondale, New Brunswick and currently based in Tiohtià:ke/Montréal, he holds a PhD in Communication Studies from Concordia University.  Visit his website at: https://samuelthulin.com/



Comment citer

McAskill, A., Sawchuk, K., & Thulin, S. (2021). Editorial Introduction to VIBE Special Issue. Revue Canadienne d’études Sur Le Handicap, 10(2), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.15353/cjds.v10i2.783